Resilience: The capacity of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress; An ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.

Coach: One who instructs or trains.

Telehealth is Now Available

Resilience Coach

At Resilience Coach, we believe that your greatest strength comes from the life you've lived so far. Though you may be struggling with external circumstances in the past or present, perhaps even feeling 'out of control' internally, every behavior and event can be used for a purpose.

Let us assist you in reclaiming your life. We are here to offer support, guidance and goal-setting to help you uncover your sense of purpose, utilize your strengths and reclaim a sense of control.

Through mindfulness, curiosity, exploration and experimentation, we help you uncover hidden truths. Your results with our tools and techniques will be rewarding and may even be surprising.

Are you tired of feeling out of control yet? Let's get started today!

 Currently specializing in

  • Covid-related stressors
  • Anxiety and other mood disorders
  • Trauma-related concerns
  • Substance use and other compulsive behaviors

"Laurie Smith has been a gift to me. I have re-examined many destructive thought patterns and learned a wide variety of coping skills to deal with stress. My life is significantly different than it was and I will always appreciate the role she played in helping me evolve. I can confidently recommend her as a therapist" - Former client (used with permission)

"Thank you for giving me my life back!" - Former client (used with permission)

"You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather."
- Pema Chodron -

If You're Ready to...

  • • Face and address life stressors from the past, present and future

  • • Find freedom from unwanted habits and addictions

  • • Achieve peace, clarity and empowerment towards your goals

…Then let’s chat!

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